Wednesday, April 25, 2012

APPG2012 (by anirudh ***appg state 2nd ranker*** @

1.In wrought gold alloys nickel acts as
 a.age hardener
 d. color balancer

2.Gelation temperature of agar is between?
 a. 20 to 25 C
 b.27 to 33 C
 c 37 to 50 C@@@
 d 55 to 60 C

3.Fillers used in phosphate bonded investment is?
 a. Magnesium oxide
 b. silica@@@
 c.sodium chloride
 d. phosphoric acid

4.Reservior sprues are used to?
 a Give smooth polished surface
 b Prevent removal of molten metal
 c.Prevent localized shrinkage porosity@@@
 d.Prevent casting shrinkage

5.The main ingedient of inlay wax is?
 a Candellila wax
 b Paraffin wax@@@
 c Carnauba wax
 d Gum dummar

6.Ability of a material to be drawn into wire under a force of tension is?
 a Malleability
 b. Ductility@@@
 c Resilience
 d Toughnes

7. Contact angle for complete wetting occours at an angle of?
 a 0@@@
 b 45
 c 60
 d 90

8 Hypersenstivity reactions like contact dermatitis can be?
 a Polysulphides
 b Condensation silicones
 c Addition silicones
 d Polyether@@@

9 The coupling agent used in composites are?
 a Quartz
 b organosilanes@@@
 c Tertiary amines
 d Camphroquinones

10 The light emitted by curing units when looked at directly by a person can cause?
 a Cataract
 b Iritis
 c Retinal damage@@@
 d Corneal ulceration

11 Subgingival calculus is usually?
 a Found as a bridge like structure over the interdental papilla of adjacent teeth
 b Hard with a clay like consistency easily detached from the tooth surface
 c. Hard and dense and firmly attached to the tooth surface@@@
 d Derived from saliva

12 Based on Bokencamp's grading of enlargement an enlargement covering 3/4th crown is considered as?
 a Grade 1
 b Grade 2
 c Grade 3@@@
 d Grade 4

13 Smoking
 a Increases signs of inflammation
 b Decreases signs of inflammation@@@
 c Has no effect on signs of inflammation
 d decreases periodontal destruction

14 Etiology of periodontal abscess is?
 a Bacteria carried deep into the tissues by toothbrush bristles
 b Gingival inflammation
 c Deep caries lesion
 d Incomplete removal of calculus preceded by shrinkaga of gingval wall@@@

15 Appropriate probing force used for pocket measurment is?
 a 0.25N
 b 0.25Grams
 c 0.75N @@@
 4 0.75 Grams

16 Root planing stroke is a?
 a Short powerful pull stroke
 b light feeling stroke
 c moderate to light pull stroke@@@
 d moderate to light push stroke

17 An example for an extraorall fulcrum is?
 a Conventional
 b Palm down@@@
 c opposite arch
 d finger on finger

18 " Cul de sac" is the term given for the following grade of furcation involvement?
 a Grade 1
 b Grade 2@@@
 c grade 3
 d Grade 4

19 Color changes seen in ANUG may be?
 a Marginal@@@
 b Diffuse
 c Patch like
 d lace like

20 Apocket formed by gingival enlargement without destruction of underlying periodontal tissues is called as?
 a Simple pocket
 b Periodontal Pocket
 c Pseudopocket@@@
 d infrabony pocket

21 RRR is directly proportional to?
 a Force factors/damping effect factors@@@
 b Bone formation factors/ Bone resorption factors
 c Damping effect
 d bone formation factors

22 The most distal extension of the maxillary denture base is marked by?
 a The junction of the hard and soft palate
 b The anterior vibrating line
 c The posterior vibrating line@@@
 d A line 1-2 mm posterior to the junction of the hard and soft palate

23  The intercondylar distace can be adusted in the
 a Hanau H2 articulator
 b Hanau arcon H2 articulator
 c Whipmix articulator@@@
 d Mean value articulator

24 Secondry retention for a removable partila denture denture is provided by?
 a The indirect retainer
 b Thw direct retainer
 c Intimate contact between the denture bases and the underlaying tissues@@@
 d Direct and indirect retainers

25  Shoulder with bevel margin is indicated for?
 a  Facial margin of posterior metal ceramic crowns with supragingival margins@@@
 b Facial margin of posterior metal ceramic crowns with deep sub gingival margins
 c cast metal restorations on the posterior teeth
 d Facial margin of a maxillary partial veneer crown

26 Resistance form is decreased in all of the following situation Except?
 a Short tooth preperation
 b Decreased taper@@@
 c Rounding of axial line angels
 d Teeth with ' V ' shaped grooves

27 The most common cause of cheekbiting with dentures is?
 a Porcelian denture teeth
 b Absence of buccal horizontasl overlap@@@
 c Crossbite relationship of posterior teeth
 d Complete denture partial denture combination

28 When porcelain is baked against metal, it should posses a?
 a High fusion expansion
 b High fusion temperature
 c Linear coefficient of thermal expansion less than but close to that of metal@@@
 d Linear coefficient of thermal expansion greater than but close to that of the metal

29 Proximal grooves for a partial veneer crown prpn for a maxillary central incisor are placed parallel to the?
 a Facial surface
 b Long axis of the tooth
 c Incisal 1/3rd of the facial surface
 d Incisal 2/3rd of the facial surface@@@

30 All the following qualities are the parmeteres  of colour Except?
 a Value
 b Variance
 c Chrome
 d Hue

31Ultrasonic devices operate at?
 a 25-30Khz@@@
 b 35-40Khz
 c 2-3Khz
 d 5-10Khz

32  Sharp pulpal pain disappearing on removal of the stimulus is frequently a sign of?
 a Irreversible pulpitis
 b Reversible pulpitis@@@
 c Acute pulpitis
 d Chronic pulpitis

33 The most deleterious side effect of bleaching on non vital teeth is?
 a Percolation
 b Cervical resorption@@@
 c Erosion
 d Internal resorption

34 The " In office" non vital bleaching technique is?
 a Walking bleach
 b Power bleach technique
 c Thermo catalytic twchnique@@@
 d Night gaurd technique

35 The  Bur used to penetrate metal restoration is?
 a Mueller bur
 b Transmetal bur@@@
 c Safety tip tapered diamond bur
 d L N bur

36 The purpose of acid etching prior to composite resin restoration is?
 a To soften the enamel
 b To produe surface irregulaties@@@
 c To produce a clear enamel surface
 d To remove the smear layer

37 The master gutta purcha cone must snugly fit the canal in?
 a Apical third@@@
 b Middle third
 c Cervical third
 d Entire canal

38 A radiolucent area appearing between the apices of vital maxillary lateral incisor and a vital maxillary canine is probably?
 a Periapical cyst
 b Periodontal cyst
 c A radicular cyst
 d A globulomaxillary cyst @@@

39 The distance between D1 and D2 in any root canal instrument is?
 a 16mm@@@
 b 18mm
 c 20 mm
 d 22 mm

40 Intracanal medication is
 a Necessary for complete canal cleaning@@@ 
 b Generally contraindicated
 c Prevents post treatment pain
 d Placed with paper point

41 Vital staining was introduced by?
 a Enlow
 b Wolf
 c John hunter@@@
 d Petrovic

42 The infantile swallow is changed to mature swallow usually by?
 a 12 months
 b 15 months
 c 18 months@@@
 d 24 months

43  The outer most envelope in Ackerman and proffit classification?
 a Intra arch alignment and symmetry@@@
 b Profile
 c Bite depth
 d class

44 Adams clasp for molar , premolar and for deciduous teeth is made of?
 a 0.6mm hard stainless steel wire
 b 0.7mm hard stainless steel wire@@@
 c 0.8mm hard stainless steeel wire
 d 0.9mm hard stainless steel wire

45 Early closure of suture is called?
 a Synchondrosis
 b Symphysis
 c Synostosis@@@
 d syndesmoses

46 The initial sign of sexual maturity in boys is usually?
 a Fat spurt@@@
 b Development of Adam's apple
 c change in voice
 d appearance of facial hair

47 The normal relationship of primary teeth is?
 a Mesial step
 b Flush terminal plane@@@
 c Distal step
 d Angle's class 1 malocclusion

48 The continous band of muscles constituting buccinator mechanism is anchored at?
 a Pharyngeal tubercle of occipital bone@@@
 b Supranuchal line of occipital bone
 c Base of occipital bone
 d Infranuchal line of occipital bone

49 Anthropometry is
 a Measurement of skeletal dimensions on human skeletal remains
 b Measurement of skeletal dimensions on living individuals@@@
 c Measurment of skeletal dimensions on radiograph
 d Measurement of skeletal dimensions on photographs

50 Which one of the following undergoes predominantly endochondral ossification?
 a Maxilla
 b Palate
 c Cranial base@@@
 d Cranial vault

51 Bence jones protiens in urine is a diagnostic feature of?
 a Burkit's lymphoma
 b multiple myeloma@@@
 c Chondrosarcoma
 d Osteosarcoma

52 Beri beri  caused due to deficiency of 
 a Vitamin b1@@@
 b B2
 c B3
 d B6

53 Excess saliva production is reffered to as?
 a Sialorrhea@@@
 b Sialadenitis
 c Sialolithiasis
 d Sialadenosis

54 Cooley's anaemia is also called as?
 a Mediterrnean anaemia
 b Bet thalassemia major
 c Erythroblastic anaemia
 d All of the above@@@

55 Addison's disease typically
 a Cause hypertension
 b Cause hypopigmentation
 c Is an autoimmune disease@@@
 d Steriods are contraindicated

56  X rays are produced when light speed electrons are stopped abruptly at?
 a Anode@@@
 b Cathode
 c Focusing cup
 d Tungsten filament

57 The drug Amifostine is used in subjects undergoing radiotherapy for cancer as it?
 a Scavanges free radicals@@@
 b Enhances the production of free radicals
 c Promotes damage of DNA
 d Prevents repair of damaged DNA

58 The radiographic appearance of osteogenic sarcoma is?
 a Cottonwool
 b Sunburst@@@
 c Ground glass
 d Driven snow

59 Positive Nikolskys sign is seen in?
 b Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
 c Desquamative gingivitis@@@
 d Erythem multiforme

60  cyst with highest recurrence rate is
 a Radicular cyst
 b DEntigerous cyst
 c Residual cyst
 d OKC@@@

61 In hyperbaric oxygen therapy one dive is equal to?
 a 100% oxygen at 2.4 atm pressure for 60 min
 b 100% oxygen at 2.4 atm pressure for 90 min@@@
 c 100% oxygen at 1atm pressure for 45 min
 d 100% oxygen at 1atm pressure for 90 min

62 The enzyme system continously reduces ferric dform of iron in the blood to the ferrous form?
 a Methmoglobin reductace@@@
 b Chylotrypsin
 c Amylase
 d Dehydrogenase

63 Scoring details for WHARFE assessment does not include?
 a Winters classification
 b Root shape
 c Number of roots@@@
 d Path of exit

64 All of the following are the adverse effects of halothane induced general anaesthesia Except
 a Tachycardia
 b Ventricular fibrillation
 c Bradycardia@@@
 d Ventricular premature contraction

65 Bell's palsy is a condition associated with?
 a An impacted tooth
 b A submaxillary gland
 c Audiological disturbance
 d The 7 th cranial nerve@@@

66 The lining of the maxillary sinus is by?
 a Nasmyths membrane
 b Hopewell smith membrane
 c Schneiders membrane@@@
 d Heusers membrane

67 Syncope is encounterd in dental practice due to?
 a Cerebral hyperemia
 b Cerebral edema
 c Cerebral hyperca[pnia
 d Cerebral hypoxia@@@

68 Dosage of I V diazepam in a dental chair is influenced by?
 a Tinel's sign
 b Verril's sign@@@
 c Battle's sign
 d Bell's sign

69 Antibiotic cover is mandatory before tooth extraction in the following conditions of the heart?
 a Ischemic heart
 b Hypertension
 c Congestive cardiac failure
 d Congenital heart disease@@@

70 Commonly encountered complication during extraction of maxillary third molar is?
 a Oro antral communiction
 b Root displacement into sinus
 c Excessive heamorrhage
 d Fracture of the maxillary tuberosity@@@

71 The following material with a hemostatic effect can be used as a substitute for formocresol pulpotomy
 a Gluteraldehyde
 b Ferric sulphate@@@
 c MTA
 d Freeze dried bone

72 PMA index given by Schour and Massler is a method of assessing!
 a Periodontitis
 b Oral hygiene
 c Amt of calculus
 d Gingivitis@@@

73 The finishing line for a stainless steel crown prpn on a primary molar is?
 a Chamfer
 b Knife edge@@@
 c Shoulder
 d shoulder with bevel

74 Measures of variability are?
 a Mean, mode,median
 b Mean,median,standard deviation
 c Mean,mode,dispersion
 d Range,dispersion , standard deviation@@@

75 Which of the following is the primary conclusion of the "Turku sugar study"
 a Sucrose is the arch criminal for dental caries
 b Xylitol results in marked reduction of caries increment@@@
 c Caries increases with increasing frequency of sugars
 d Spartan diet reduces the risk of dental caries

76 Which of these teeth are highly sturdy and usually the last ones to be lost?
 a First molar
 b Central incisors
 c Canines@@@
 d Premolars

77 A special feature of the periodontal ligament fibroblasts is?
 a The number of organelles
 b Precence of actin fibres and shape change@@@
 c Size of the cells
 d Collagen fibre formation

78 Which of the following is not a depression on the tooth surface?
 a Fossa
 b Tuberclae@@@
 c Pit
 d Sulcus

79 Which of the following premolars has a mesial marginal ridge that is more cervically located than its distal marginal ridge?
 a maxillary first
 b Mandibular first@@@
 c Maxillary second
 d Mandibular second

80 Which of the following represents the correct sequences of eruption of decidous teeth?
 c ABDCE@@@

81 Transmission of stimulus across dentin is
 a Direct activation of nerve endings
 b Correlated with the innervation density of the dentin
 c Stimulus induced fluid flow@@@
 d There is no transmissin of stimulus across dentin

82 The positioning of tongue in infantile swalloowing is?
 a Posterior
 b Medial
 c Lateral
 d Anterior@@@

83 Bilabial sounds are?
 a f v
 b p b @@@
 c t d 
 d k g

84 The intrinsic factor for vitamin B12 absorption is produced in the
 a Liver
 b Stomach@@@
 c Pancrease
 d Duodenum

85 Calcium ions trigger contraction of muscles by binding to?
 a Actin
 b Myosin
 c Troponin@@@
 d Tropomyosin

86 The other nomenclature for the Therapeutic index of a drug is?
 a Adverse effect
 b Therapeutic use
 c Safety margin@@@
 d Pharmakokinetics

87 Which one of the anti hypertensive is contraindicated in pregnancy?
 a Hydrallazine
 b alpha-Methyldopa
 c Nifedipine
 d Enalapril@@@

88 Which one of these Atropine substitutes is indicated in bronchial asthma?
 a Pirenzepine
 b Ipratropium bromide@@@
 c Cyclopentolate
 d Homatropine

89 Following analgesics combination should be avioded
 a Asprin and codiene
 b PCM and Dextropropoxyphene
 c Ibuprofen and paracetamol
 d Ibuprofen and diclofenac@@@

90 Adrenaline is used in following except?
 a With xylocaine
 b Post extraction socket
 c Anaphylactic shock
 d Angina in dental chair@@@

91 Histochemical demonstration of glycogen in the cells can help in the diagnosis of
 a Malignant melanoma
 b Squamous cell carcinoma
 c Kaposi sarcoma
 d Ewings sarcom@@@

92 Mutation in GNAS 1 gene is associated with
 a Fibrous dysplasia@@@
 b Ossifying fibroma
 c Focal cemento osseous dyspalsia
 d Periapical cemento osseous dysplasia

93 Cicatricial pemphigoid is the synonym for
 a Mocous membrane pemphigoid@@@
 b Pemphigus vulgaris
 c Hailey Hailey disease
 d Paraneoplastic pemphigus

94 The area of greatest demineralization in ename caries is?
 a Translucent zone
 b Dark zone
 c Body of the lesion@@@
 d Surface zone

95 The fading of nuclear chromatin of a necrotic cell is 
 a Pyknosis
 b Karyolysis@@@
 c Karyorrhexis
 d Hyperchromatism

96 " Mucous patches" are the manifestation of sypphilis in
 a Primary stage
 b Secondary stage@@@
 c Tertiary stage
 d Congenital syphilis

97 Causitive organism for " mumps" is
 a Paramyxo virus@@@
 b Coxsackie virus   
 c Parvo virus
 d Orthomyxovirus

98 HIV infects cells that possess the receptor site
 a CD 8
 b CD 99
 c CD 4@@@
 d CD 34

99 Which one of the following is most effective method of sterlization by heat?
 a Steam under Pressure@@@
 b Steaming
 c Boiling 
 d Hot air

100 Amoung the infectious diseases transmitted by food one is
 a Viral stomatitis
 b Diptheria
 c Tuberculosis
 d Typhiod fever@@@

 Thanq all the best :-bd

Some key corrections are there as follows :-B

Question 14, 42,64 and 73 are deleted and 

For question 31 correct options are a & b
For question 36 correct options are b & d
For question  40 correct option is d
For question 46 correct options are a & c
For question 90 correct options are b & d  \m/


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